Thanks for joining me!
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
This is a new journey for a couple of friends who brought an idea to the table. It is all a work in progress but we are very excited to launch in the coming months and looking forward to something new! We each bring something different to the table and are passionate about making this work. We are going Bold with this new idea and taking a leap into the unknown.
Who are we: well we aren’t quite ready to share it all, so we are keeping who we are on the down-low for a little bit longer. But a little about each of us:
Person A: She’s a mom to two beautiful boys, she’s got a sense of style that rocks the room, she has a background in interior design, and a wonderful husband who supports her on anything!
Person B: She’s a mom to 3 wonderful kids (1 girl & 2 boys), she has a background in floral, horticulture, & plants, & was born & raised in a small rural town in the midwest and of course a wonderful husband who supports! 🙂
That’s a wee bit about who we are and our idea will be out in the open soon but for now we will load you with floral wisdom, fun facts & more!