Our CEO showed Los Angeles what she was made of by creating fabulous designs for display at the Los Angeles County Fair that is currently taking place- from August 30st – September 22nd, 2019.
Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of show coordinators- Jim Hynd AIFD & Jim Blythe AIFD who put together their ideas and an outstanding design team to showcase work representing “Pop of Color”. The design team consists of Bold Blossoms CEO – Katie McCormick AIFD, along side and with the wonderful designs of Luis Calderon CFD, and active floral designers in the industry – Debbie Deis, Richard Carmona, and Stacey Yuccas.
The designs are changed out to keep freshness & beauty week after week and each time is better than the last!
Check out these beautiful photos of devoted time and energy at the fair. And get your tickets now to see this fabulous & stupendous representation of floral beauties on a larger scale.
Katie specifically designed the banana stage, “Gone Bananas” and the floral fashion stage consisting of 4 dresses created from floral and natural materials, called “Floral & Fashion”.
In addition to the gorgeous beauty in this large barn, Katie does floral demonstrations every Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday while the fair is open. As well as occasional Saturdays! Check out the fair schedule here.
See the fabulous photos of the fair!