This time of year, there is just so much to be grateful for, and we are especially grateful for YOU, for supporting our mission to bring a bit more color and vibrancy to everyday living via our monthly bouquets. We just delivered our first batch of flowers last week and we LOVED seeing what you […]
It’s Beginning to look a lot Like…..
THE HOLIDAYS! Already – I can’t believe where the time has gone. We are in the midst of gorgeous fall weather and many have already started decorating for the holiday season. I am eager to do so also but am awaiting the after Thanksgiving feast to jump on that band-wagon. I am definitely looking forward […]
The Inside Scoop on your Bold Blossoms Bouquet ~ November~
Yay! You’ve received your Bold Blossoms bouquet! We are so excited that you are enjoying the November monthly flower bouquet. Within your box there is this card: Our Floral Wisdom cards give you a little bit about your bouquet but you may want to know more. I myself LOVE flowers and LOVE to have flower […]
Pumpkin kisses and Harvest wishes
Pumpkins? Sunflowers? Dahlias? Pumpkin spice? Cornucopias? The summer days are long gone and we are into the crisp autumn nights and some little bits of fall colors… but not too much in Southern California. However, the jack-o-lanterns, pumpkin patches, and Halloween spirit have taken over around town to make up for the lack of Fall […]
Why a Monthly Flower Box?
When I think long and hard about how often I buy flowers (for myself) it usually comes down to about once or twice a month, more so on the monthly side. When I have flowers in my house I find myself glancing at them and almost always followed by a smile. When I think long […]
It’s Giveaway Time!
It’s Giveaway Time! Flowers make people happy. We like making YOU happy. So we want to give you one of our unique designs. To start fall off right we are giving away 5 fall bouquets to 5 lucky winners! Here’s what you have to do to enter: Follow our Instagram page @boldblossoms Tag 2 friends, […]
Beauty in a Barn
Our CEO showed Los Angeles what she was made of by creating fabulous designs for display at the Los Angeles County Fair that took place from August 31st – September 23rd, 2018. Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of show coordinators- Jim Hynd AIFD & Jim Blythe AIFD who put together their ideas and an outstanding […]